About me
Welcome to Dr. Robin Lee’s home on the web!
Robin is a member of the Geotechnical Engineering Research Group in the Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering at the University of Canterbury. His research focusses on:
- Engineering seismology.
- Ground motion modelling and seismic hazard.
- Geotechnical earthquake engineering.
- High performance computing and machine learning applications.
Please explore this site to learn more!
Recent News
25/02/2025: Two new PhD candidates have recently joined our research group: Jaehwi Kim and Aaron Rampersad. Welcome! 10/11/2023: Robin recently presented an overview of the ground-motion characterisation modelling for the 2022 NZ National Seismic Hazard Model as a part of the QuakeCoRE Monthly Seminar Series. Youtube recording can be found [Here!]
20/01/2023: Updates to all parts of the website, including specific PhD research opportunities [Here!]
19/01/2020: Website is live! Welcome.