About me

Welcome to Dr. Robin Lee’s home on the web!

Robin is a member of the Geotechnical Engineering Research Group in the Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering at the University of Canterbury. His research focusses on:

  1. Engineering seismology.
  2. Ground motion modelling and seismic hazard.
  3. Geotechnical earthquake engineering.
  4. High performance computing and machine learning applications.

Please explore this site to learn more!

Recent News

25/02/2025: Two new PhD candidates have recently joined our research group: Jaehwi Kim and Aaron Rampersad. Welcome! 10/11/2023: Robin recently presented an overview of the ground-motion characterisation modelling for the 2022 NZ National Seismic Hazard Model as a part of the QuakeCoRE Monthly Seminar Series. Youtube recording can be found [Here!]
20/01/2023: Updates to all parts of the website, including specific PhD research opportunities [Here!]
19/01/2020: Website is live! Welcome.